Design and access statements

Our Design and Access Statement writing service

House Plans-UK are highly experienced in producing Design and Access Statements (DAS) that meet the requirements of the planning application. We ensure that the DAS is comprehensive and clear in its presentation, taking into account good practice guidance.

Design and Access Statements will address relevant societal and environmental challenges, as well as provide the technical abilities and design-led solutions to bring the project to a successful conclusion.

Want to write a Design and Access Statement yourself?

A Design and Access Statement should outline the key design principles and access considerations of a proposed development. Writing a Design and Access Statement can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here are some tips to help you write a successful Design and Access Statement:

1. Research

Before you start writing your Design and Access Statement, it is important to research the local area and the planning policies that apply to the proposed development. This will help you understand the context of the development and ensure that your design and access considerations are in line with local policies and requirements.

2. Outline

Once you have researched the local area and planning policies, it is time to outline your Design and Access Statement. Start by outlining the purpose of the development, the design principles and the access considerations that need to betaken into account.

3. Detail

Once you have outlined your Design and Access Statement, it is time to provide more detail (see our key points below). Describe in detail the design principles that have been taken into account, such as the use of natural materials, the use of sustainable energy sources, and the use of green spaces. Also describe in detail the access considerations, such as wheelchair access, pedestrian access, and public transport access.

4. Review

Once you have written your Design and Access Statement, it is important to review it to ensure that it is accurate and complete. Ask a colleague or friend to review your statement to ensure that it meets all of the requirements of the local planning policies.

Key points required in your statement:


How many dwellings do you intend to build? One to two detached dwellings with garaging applications do not require any further information.


A drawing should show the layout of the site (an indicative layout for outline planning). Explain how you have decided on your layout and how it will work with the surrounding area. Why did you decide on which way the building faces and the positioning of the front door? How would the height of the building compare to existing buildings? The layout should consider access around the site.


You will need to show the proposed size and spaces of the buildings. This should include a comparison of the neighbouring area. State the min. and max. size for outline permission. The scale of windows, doors, cills etc. should be considered. References to drawings and pictures can help with your interpretation.


It is important to plan landscaping at this stage to consider in tandem with the design stages. Include planting, paving, roads, street furniture and water features. Why did you choose the materials and how will they be maintained? Consider access to the public and the disabled. What will be the impact on the existing land?


This will be a combination of all the aspects to achieve the appearance and not just the architectural style. Do you want the building to standout or blend in? Indicate the materials and colours you intend to use and how they will be maintained. Seasonal changes and long-term effects should be considered. Provided photographic evidence if possible.


You will need to cover several aspects. How will you and the public with or without disability enter the premises safely by vehicle or on foot? Is there access in an emergency if necessary? Detail how the access will be constructed. Include details on the movement around internal spaces. What impact would there be on transport, roads and public transport? Provide details of access to public transport. Provide a sketch of the access.

Environmental impact:

Consider the impact on the environment. What will be the impact on the existing wildlife, flora and fauna? How will you manage the drainage and water run-off? What will be the impact on air quality? How will you manage the waste?

Still need assistance with planning?

We can help you create well-prepared and accurate Design and Access Statements (DAS) to demonstrate the quality of your project.

For further help and advice, contact us
E: [email protected]